This year's FLX Give's goal was specifically set to purchase 420 tin ceiling tiles for the Historic Sampson Theatre.
Thanks to grant funding, we've been able to place the order for half of what we need; now we need your help to purchase the other half.
Every $25 donated purchases a replica tin ceiling tile for the theatre. Our vendor is developing the molds we need to replace the falling and decaying tiles that currently hang in the building. These tiles will be crafted to match the historic tiles and restore true art in the historic building.
This year, PYTCo was lucky enough to secure three large matching donations this year to secure the funding we need to restore the ceiling at The Sampson. Help us unlock these matching funds and reach our goal by donating during our three FLX Gives Challenges!
FLX Gives Matching Donor Challenges
We've set our goal high this year, but with your help, we know we can hit it. Thanks to Tom Nichols and two anonymous donors, we have a chance to not only hit our goal but surpass it. See how you can help us unlock additional matching funds during this year's FLX Gives.

NEW FLX Gives Matching Donor Challenge:

Up and Running Matching Donor Challenge
BREAKING NEWS!! We’ve had another anonymous donor come forward and pledge a $1,000 donation toward FLX Gives. These funds will be unlocked after we receive a donation from our 20th donor on November 17. Thanks to this donor and Tom Nichols, the first $1,000 of donations will actually yield us $3,000 towards Tiling the Sampson!
Download your own copy below:
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Mark 'Going' on our Facebook FLX Gives Event and get updates on all of our Challenges during FLX Gives!